
Once fine-tuning is finished, it’s time to actually use the model. You can use the fine-tuned models directly to encode DocumentArray objects or to set up an encoding service. When encoding, data can also be provided as a regular list.

Use FinetunerExecutor inside a Jina Flow

Finetuner offers the encode interface to embed your data locally If you would like to use fine-tuned model inside a Jina Flow as an Executor, checkout Use FinetunerExecutor inside a Jina Flow.

Encoding a List#

Data that is stored in a regular list can be embedded in the same way you would embed a DocumentArray. Since the modality of your input data can be inferred from the model being used, there is no need to provide any additional information besides the content you want to encode. When providing data as a list, the finetuner.encode method will return a np.ndarray of embeddings, instead of a docarray.DocumentArray:

import finetuner


token = finetuner.get_token()
run = finetuner.get_run(

model = finetuner.get_model(

texts = ['some text to encode']

embeddings = finetuner.encode(model=model, data=texts)

for text, embedding in zip(texts, embeddings):
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {embedding.shape}')
import finetuner

model = finetuner.get_model('/path/to/')

texts = ['some text to encode']

embeddings = finetuner.encode(model=model, data=texts)

for text, embedding in zip(texts, embeddings):
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {embedding.shape}')
import finetuner


token = finetuner.get_token()
run = finetuner.get_run(

model = finetuner.get_model(
    select_model='clip-text'  # use `clip-vision` to encode image.

texts = ['some text to encode']
embeddings = finetuner.encode(model=model, data=texts)

for text, embedding in zip(texts, embeddings):
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {embedding.shape}')

Inference with ONNX

In case you set to_onnx=True when calling function, please use model = finetuner.get_model('/path/to/', is_onnx=True).

Encoding other Modalities

Of course you can not only encode texts. For encoding a list of images, you can provide URIs, e.g., embeddings = finetuner.encode(model=model, data=['path/to/apple.png']).

Encoding a DocumentArray#

To embed a DocumentArray with a fine-tuned model, you can get the model of your Run via the get_model() function and embed it via the finetuner.encode() function:

from finetuner import DocumentArray, Document
import finetuner


token = finetuner.get_token()
run = finetuner.get_run(

model = finetuner.get_model(

da = DocumentArray([Document(text='some text to encode')])
finetuner.encode(model=model, data=da)

for doc in da:
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {doc.text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {doc.embedding.shape}')
from finetuner import DocumentArray, Document
import finetuner

model = finetuner.get_model('/path/to/')

da = DocumentArray([Document(text='some text to encode')])
finetuner.encode(model=model, data=da)

for doc in da:
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {doc.text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {doc.embedding.shape}')
from finetuner import DocumentArray, Document
import finetuner


token = finetuner.get_token()
run = finetuner.get_run(

model = finetuner.get_model(
    select_model='clip-text'  # use `clip-vision` to encode image.

da = DocumentArray([Document(text='some text to encode')])
finetuner.encode(model=model, data=da)

for doc in da:
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {doc.text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {doc.embedding.shape}')
Text of the returned document: some text to encode
Shape of the embedding: (768,)