from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
from finetuner.model import list_model_classes
console = Console()
[docs]def print_model_table(model, task: Optional[str] = None):
"""Prints a table of model descriptions.
:param model: Module with model definitions
:param task: The fine-tuning task, should be one of `text-to-text`,
title = 'Finetuner backbones'
if task:
title += f': {task}'
table = Table(title=title)
header = model.get_header()
model_display_names = set()
for column in header:
table.add_column(column, justify='right', style='cyan', no_wrap=False)
for _, _model_class in list_model_classes().items():
if _model_class.display_name not in model_display_names:
row = model.get_row(_model_class)
if task and row[1] != task:
[docs]def print_examples(stage: str, results: Dict[str, List[Any]], k: int = 5):
Prints a table of results of example queries from the evaluation data.
:param stage: either 'before' or 'after'
:param results: The example results to display
:param k: maximal number of results per query to display
table = Table(
title=f'Results {stage} fine-tuning:', show_header=False, title_justify='left'
table.add_column(justify='left', style='cyan', no_wrap=False)
table.add_column(justify='left', style='cyan', no_wrap=False)
for query in results:
table.add_row('Query', str(query), style='yellow bold')
for i, match in enumerate(results[query][:k]):
table.add_row(f'Match {i+1}', str(match))
[docs]def print_metrics(stage: str, metrics: Dict[str, List[Any]]):
Prints a table of retrieval metrics.
:param stage: either 'before' or 'after'
:param metrics: dictionary with retrieval metrics before and after fine-tuning.
table = Table(title=f'Retrieval metrics {stage} fine-tuning:', title_justify='left')
table.add_column('Retrieval Metric', justify='left', style='cyan', no_wrap=False)
table.add_column('Value', justify='left', style='cyan', no_wrap=False)
for metric, value in metrics.items():
table.add_row(metric, str(value))