Source code for finetuner.model

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Union

from _finetuner.runner.stubs import model
from _finetuner.runner.stubs.model import *  # noqa F401
from _finetuner.runner.stubs.model import _EmbeddingModelStub

[docs]def get_header() -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get table header.""" return 'name', 'task', 'output_dim', 'architecture', 'description'
[docs]def get_row(model_stub) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get table row.""" return ( model_stub.display_name, model_stub.task, str(model_stub.output_shape[1]), model_stub.architecture, model_stub.description, )
[docs]def list_model_classes() -> Dict[str, ModelStubType]: rv = {} members = inspect.getmembers(model, inspect.isclass) parent_class = _EmbeddingModelStub for name, stub in members: if ( name != 'MLPStub' and not name.startswith('_') and type(stub) != type and issubclass(stub, parent_class) ): rv[name] = stub return rv
[docs]@dataclass class SynthesisModels: """Class specifying the models to be used in a data synthesis job. :param: relation_miner: The name of the model or list of models to use for relation mining. :param cross_encoder: The name of the model to use as the cross encoder """ relation_miner: Union[str, List[str]] cross_encoder: str
synthesis_model_en = SynthesisModels( relation_miner='sbert-base-en', cross_encoder='crossencoder-base-en', ) synthesis_model_multi = SynthesisModels( relation_miner='distiluse-base-multi', cross_encoder='crossencoder-base-ml', )