Use FinetunerExecutor inside a Jina Flow#

Finetuner, being part of the Jina AI Cloud, provides a convenient way to use tuned models via Jina Executors.

We’ve created the FinetunerExecutor which can be added in a Jina Flow and load any tuned model. More specifically, the executor exposes an /encode endpoint that embeds Documents using the fine-tuned model.

Loading a tuned model is simple! You just need to provide a few parameters under the uses_with argument when adding the FinetunerExecutor to the Flow. You have three options:

import finetuner
from jina import Flow


token = finetuner.get_token()
run = finetuner.get_run(
f = Flow().add(
    uses='jinahub+docker://FinetunerExecutor/latest',  # use latest-gpu for gpu executor.
    uses_with={'artifact': run.artifact_id, 'token': token},
from jina import Flow
f = Flow().add(
    uses='jinahub+docker://FinetunerExecutor/latest',  # use latest-gpu for gpu executor.
    uses_with={'artifact': '/mnt/'},
    volumes=['/your/local/path/:/mnt']  # mount your model path to docker.
jtype: Flow
  port: 51000
  protocol: grpc
  uses: jinahub+docker://FinetunerExecutor/latest
    token: 'COPY-YOUR-TOKEN-HERE'  # or better set as env

As you can see, it’s super easy! If you did not call save_artifact(), you need to provide the artifact_id and token. FinetunerExecutor will automatically pull your model from the Jina AI Cloud to the container.

On the other hand, if you have saved artifact locally, please mount the zipped artifact to the docker container. FinetunerExecutor will unzip the artifact and load models.

You can start your flow with:

with f:
    # in this example, we fine-tuned a BERT model and embed a Document..
    returned_docs =
                    text='some text to encode'

for doc in returned_docs:
    print(f'Text of the returned document: {doc.text}')
    print(f'Shape of the embedding: {doc.embedding.shape}')
Text of the returned document: some text to encode
Shape of the embedding: (768,)

In order to see what other options you can specify when initializing the executor, please go to the FinetunerExecutor page and click on Arguments on the top-right side.

FinetunerExecutor parameters

The only required argument is artifact. We provide default values for others.

Special case: Artifacts with CLIP models#

If your fine-tuning job was executed on a CLIP model, your artifact contains two models: clip-vision and clip-text. The vision model allows you to embed images and the text model can encode text passages into the same vector space. To use those models, you have to provide the name of the model via an additional select_model parameter to the get_model() function.

If you want to host the CLIP models, you also have to provide the name of the model via the select_model parameter inside the uses_with attribute:

import finetuner
from jina import Flow


token = finetuner.get_token()
run = finetuner.get_run(

f = Flow().add(
    uses='jinahub+docker://FinetunerExecutor/latest',  # use latest-gpu for gpu executor.
        'artifact': run.artifact_id, 'token': token, 'select_model': 'clip-vision'